Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Babyndex. Please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions or concerns about the microscope or the app.


You need an ovulation microscope for the home-use saliva fertility test. For most women, when estrogen increases, dried saliva may form fern-shaped patterns that predict ovulation a few days in advance.  

You put some of your saliva on the lens, allow it to dry, and look at the pattern it makes. You will see dots, circles and maybe fern-shaped crystals depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle.

You will probably see the crystals when you use the test within the 5-day period before your expected ovulation.

The test is not perfect, though, and you might not fern or fern outside of this time period or when you are pregnant. Even some men will fern.

However, microscopes are reusable hence you can check your fertility daily. It is called saliva test but some women use cervical mucus for the test.

Babyndex tracks your most fertile phase from your saliva crystallization because for most women crystals appear a few days before ovulation and disappear right after it.

1. Set the first day of menstruation and the number of days of your cycle in Babyndex.
The length of your menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of menstrual period to the day before the next period, when your bleeding begins again. On average a cycle is 28 days long.

2. Use Babyndex every day for a full cycle for the first time, in order to see if you have normal saliva crystallization.
Regardless of your cycle length and how regular your cycle is, crystals appear a few days before ovulation normally.

3. If you have crystals, you can use Babyndex to identify your fertile days during your cycle automatically.
It takes 14.6 days from the first day of the menstrual period until ovulation. However, there is substantial variation among women and between cycles of every single woman.

Your microscope can be re-used over and over again. There is nothing further to buy or replace other than the batteries, which sometimes may need to be replaced as any battery.

No. Although Babyndex works for most people it will not work for everyone. Anything that affects estrogen levels in the body may affect the results. This may include your age, medications, infections, breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Unless you have very regular cycles and are sure of the days before you ovulate, we suggest using Babyndex every day so that you become familiar with your cycles. Some cycles may be longer or shorter and your fertile phase can also vary.

If you have doubts you can take the test again on the same day but do it in the morning before eating when the hormone levels are the highest.

Yes, basically anything that you put in your mouth (besides water) may affect the Babyndex reading as it affects your saliva. You need clean saliva to get a reliable reading.

Yes, if you are breast-feeding your results could be inaccurate. This is due to hormonal changes in your body. High estrogen levels may produce an ongoing ‘ferning’ pattern while low estrogen levels may not be picked up by the microscope. Estrogen levels can be tested by your doctor through a simple blood test.

Yes, Clomid can affect the results of Babyndex Easy Ovulation Tester as Clomid affects your estrogen levels. For some women it does not affect the results but for others it does and this means that your results may be unreliable.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can affect estrogen levels. Anything that affects estrogen may affect the reliability of the Babyndex results as it works by measuring estrogen level changes in the saliva. This means that your results may be unreliable. If you suffer from PCOS, you should consult your healthcare professional for further advice.

No, Babyndex is not intended to be used as a form of contraception.

Babyndex is available through our webshop only.

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